A full CV is available here.
Almeling, Rene. 2020. GUYnecology: The Missing Science of Men's Reproductive Health. Oakland: University of California Press. Almeling, Rene. 2011. Sex Cells: The Medical Market for Eggs and Sperm. Berkeley: University of California Press. Edited Volumes Almeling, Rene, Lisa Campo-Engelstein, and Brian T. Nguyen, co-editors. Forthcoming 2025. Seminal: On Sperm, Health, and Politics. New York University Press. Almeling, Rene and Sebastian Mohr, co-editors. 2020. Double special issue on “Men, Masculinities, and Reproduction” in NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies. Vol 15: Issues 3-4. Peer-reviewed Articles (*denotes graduate student co-author) Almeling, Rene. 2023. “What Biological Stories are Americans Telling about the Egg and the Sperm? A Study Inspired by Emily Martin 30 Years Later.” Gender & Society 37: 750-773. Pinar, Candas*, Rene Almeling, and Shana Kushner Gadarian. 2018. “Does Genetic Risk for Common Adult Diseases Influence Reproductive Plans? Evidence from a National Survey Experiment in the United States.” Social Science and Medicine. 218: 62-68. Almeling, Rene and Iris Willey*. 2017. “Same Medicine, Different Reasons: Comparing Women’s Bodily Experiences of Producing Eggs for Pregnancy or for Profit.” Social Science and Medicine 188: 21-29. Andersson, Matthew A., Shana Kushner Gadarian, and Rene Almeling. 2017. “Does Educational Attainment Shape Reactions to Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease? Results from a National Survey Experiment.” Social Science and Medicine 180: 101-105. Almeling, Rene. 2015. “Reproduction.” Annual Review of Sociology. 41: 423-442. Almeling, Rene and Shana Gadarian. 2014. “Reacting to Genetic Risk: An Experimental Survey of Life between Health and Disease.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 55: 482-503. Almeling, Rene and Shana Gadarian. 2014. “Public Opinion on Policy Issues in Genetics and Genomics.” Genetics in Medicine (official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics). 16: 491-494. Almeling, Rene and Miranda Waggoner. 2013. “More and Less than Equal: How Men Figure in the Reproductive Equation.” Gender & Society 27:821-842. Almeling, Rene. 2009. “Gender and the Value of Bodily Goods: Commodification in Egg and Sperm Donation.” Law and Contemporary Problems 72: 37-58. Timmermans, Stefan and Rene Almeling. 2009. “Objectification, Standardization, and Commodification in Healthcare: A Conceptual Readjustment.” Social Science and Medicine 69: 21-27. Saguy, Abigail C. and Rene Almeling. 2008. “Fat in the Fire? Science, the News Media, and the ‘Obesity Epidemic.’” Sociological Forum 23: 53-83. Almeling, Rene. 2007. “Selling Genes, Selling Gender: Egg Agencies, Sperm Banks, and the Medical Market in Genetic Material.” American Sociological Review 72: 319-340. Almeling, Rene. 2006. “Why do you want to be a donor?”: Gender and the Production of Altruism in Egg and Sperm Donation.” New Genetics and Society 25: 143-157. Almeling, Rene, Laureen Tews, and Susan Dudley. 2000. “Abortion Training in U.S. Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Programs, 1998.” Family Planning Perspectives 32: 268-271, 320. Chapters in edited volumes Almeling, Rene. 2024. “The Politics of Male Reproductive Health” in Reproduction and the Good Life: Intersectional Perspectives, edited by Isabella Marcinski-Michel and Claudia Wiesemann. Transcript. Zagel, Hannah and Rene Almeling. 2024. “Discussion: Reproduction Policy in the Twenty-First Century” in Reproduction Policy in the Twenty-First Century: A Comparative Analysis, edited by Hannah Zagel. Edward Elgar. Almeling, Rene. 2022. “Foreword” in Technologies of Reproduction across the Lifecourse: Expanding Reproductive Studies, edited by Victoria Boydell and Katharine Dow. Emerald Books. Almeling, Rene. 2021. “Social Inequalities, Reproductive Bodies, and Technological Interventions.” Invited commentary for special issue on “Transhumanisms, Geneticized Markets, and Perfectible Consumers” in the Journal of Marketing Management, edited by Jennifer Takhar, H. Rika Houston, and Nikhilesh Dholakia. Mohr, Sebastian and Rene Almeling. 2020. “Men, Masculinities, and Reproduction: Conceptual Reflections and Empirical Explorations.” Introductory essay to special issue in NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies 15: 163-171. Almeling, Rene. 2019. “Contesting New Markets for Bodily Knowledge: When and How Experts Draw the Line” in The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Body and Embodiment, edited by Natalie Boero and Katherine Mason. Almeling, Rene. 2019. “Paid to Donate: Egg Donors, Sperm Donors, and Gendered Experiences of Bodily Commodification” in Transnationalizing Reproduction: Third Party Reproduction in a Globalised World, edited by Róisín Ryan-Flood and Jenny Gunnarsson Payne. (abridged version of Sex Cells, Ch 4) Almeling, Rene. 2017. “Gender, Commodification, and the Embodied Experience of Gamete Donation” in A Handbook of Infertility in History: Approaches, Contexts, and Perspectives, edited by Gayle Davis and Tracey Loughran. Palgrave MacMillan. (abridged version of Sex Cells ch 3) Almeling, Rene. 2017. "Paid to Donate: Egg Donors, Sperm Donors, and Gendered Experiences of Bodily Commodification" in Money Talks, edited by Nina Bandelj, Frederick Wherry, and Viviana Zelizer. Princeton University Press. (revised version of Sex Cells ch 4) Almeling, Rene. 2014. “Selling Genes, Selling Gender” in Reproduction and Society: Interdisciplinary Readings, edited by Carole Joffe and Jennifer Reich. New York: Routledge. (excerpt from Sex Cells ch 2) Almeling, Rene. 2014. "Defining Connections: Gender and Perceptions of Relatedness in Egg and Sperm Donation" in Relatedness in Assisted Reproduction: Families, Origins and Identities, edited by Tabitha Freeman, Susanna Graham, Fatemeh Ebtehaj, and Martin Richards. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (revised version of Sex Cells ch 5) Saguy, Abigail and Rene Almeling. 2014. "Making the 'Obesity Epidemic': The Role of Science and the News Media" in Obesity, Eating Disorders, and the Media, edited by Karin Eli and Stanley Ulijaszek. Ashgate. (abridged version of "Fat in the Fire?") Almeling, Rene. 2010. "Selling Genes, Selling Gender: The Medical Market for Genetic Material " in Intimate Labors: Cultures, Technologies, and the Politics of Care, edited by Eileen Boris and Rhacel Salazar Parreñas. Stanford University Press. (abridged version of "Selling Genes, Selling Gender") Op-Eds and Essays Almeling, Rene and Adora Svitak*. "Yes, There's Still Reason to be Worried about a National Abortion Ban." San Francisco Chronicle, November 15, 2022. Almeling, Rene. "Women are bombarded with messages about reproductive health. Why not men?" Washington Post, June 16, 2021. Almeling, Rene. "Beyond the Objectivity Myth: An Essay in Honor of Evelyn Fox Keller." Public Books, December 15, 2020. Rogers, Naomi, Stacey Bonet, and Rene Almeling. “Yale Needs Pandemic Plan for Working Parents.” Yale Daily News, December 1, 2020. Almeling, Rene. “What if Men Thought about Their Sperm the Way Women Think about Their Eggs?” Elle Magazine, September 3, 2020. Wood, Elisabeth Jean, Douglas Rogers, K. Sivaramakrishnan, and Rene Almeling. “Resuming Field Research in Pandemic Times.” Social Science Research Council Items: Insights from the Social Sciences, May 21, 2020. Almeling, Rene. "The Business of Egg and Sperm Donation." Contexts Magazine, Fall 2017. Richardson, Sarah and Rene Almeling, “The CDC risks its credibility with new pregnancy guidelines,” Boston Globe, February 8, 2016. Almeling, Rene, Joanna Radin, and Sarah Richardson, “Egg-freezing a better deal for companies than for women,” CNN.com, October 20, 2014. Almeling, Rene. “Should Sperm Banks Reveal the Number of Children Per Donor?“ Ozy, April 23, 2014. Almeling, Rene. “The Unregulated Sperm Industry,” The New York Times, Sunday paper, December 1, 2013. |